Pray with confidence!
Last night during my run, I was praying for a current dream I’m pursuing. It was one of those, “God, you know my heart” kind of prayers. Like I need to convince God that I have good intentions. Like I need to beg Him not to let me fail.
Then, like a still, small voice, this verse came to mind: “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the doors will be opened to you.”
It was the voice of my King. My Savior. The One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills (and those hills). He reminded me that I am His prince. I am His own son. I don’t need to tread softly—I can run boldly into the throneroom!
And, my, how my prayer changed after that. My prayer was filled with confidence and the assurance that God is on my side. Don’t just pray for the bare minimum, expecting the answer to be “no”. Thank God for the abundance that He promises his children!
Because the only way we fail is if we don’t give God the glory in the process.